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Inside Vital: Hofbräuhaus' Doppel Bock


One of our recent projects was to create motion graphics pieces for a few of Hofbräuhaus' seasonal biers!

Each bier sequence was filmed tabletop-style in our studio - the smooth side-to-side motion was captured with the help of a Dana Dolly. The main focus of the videos was to create motion graphics and animations that accentuate the individual flavors and styles of the various biers. The piece we've chosen to highlight is for Doppel Bock -- Hofbräuhaus' seasonal February bier!

Doppel Bock is a "rich, complex full-bodied Doppel Bock Bier with dominant flavors of caramel and toasted barley malt and a fine hoppy finish". Kevin Adams, our Motion Graphics and 3D Animator, decided to create the headbutting goats for the bier's namesake: "Doppel Bock" translates to "Double Goat". A wintry finish of snow and cool blues creates a scene fitting for this rich bock bier.

Learn more about Hofbräuhaus Columbus here and find out which seasonal biers they currently offer:



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