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Marketing614 | Debra Pack (Columbus Metropolitan Library)


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Debra Pack, Marketing Manager at Columbus Metropolitan Library, joins Jason at the Vital studio to discuss marketing CML, the plethora of fantastic services it offers to students and adults all around the city, and the importance that the library places on Customer Experience.

In this interview, Debra touches on several subjects, including how libraries today are defying the traditional view of the library. Modern libraries have a wealth of resources that benefit customers and communities. Some of CML's resources include Ready for Kindergarten, Reading Buddies, Homework Help, Adult Education, and Job and Career assistance!

Another topic Debra brings up is the prioritization of Customer Experience at CML and why they call their library-goers "customers" rather than "patrons". For more on what Customer Experience means to CML, check out this video that Vital Companies produced to highlight their CX philosophy, and visit the Customer Experience page here for even more info and video content!

In this Mt. Rushmore segment, Debra lets us in on some of her favorite brands and why retail branding still catches her eye.

Brand This Thing is a segment where guests have the opportunity to showcase their marketing skills in a minute or less after being presented with a random object. Debra brands a product that'll light up your life in this week's episode!

Learn more about Columbus Metropolitan Library here:

Marketing614 is done in partnership with AMA Columbus. Visit the #AMAcbus website for info on how you can get involved and for upcoming events.



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